May we ask for money when people comment?
Posted by Superfied Credit Union at October 22, 2004 04:31 PMhere is a comment....ur a little pussy bitch p.s. u spelled damnit wrong
Posted by sexy mexican at October 22, 2004 05:55 PMWell Kit, here is your comment:
Check out !!!!
Yeah... while it is annoying for people to complain, you are making it sound that complaining makes a person worse. I mean, sure, if all they do is complain, you may be right, but everyone complains about having too much homework or being tired. When I hear a complaint like that, I just ignore it, it doesn't make me mad or anything. Granted, I don't go to your school, so it could be different there, but I do think that it is not all that bad to complain about a mundane issue and then just move on. For me, if I say it out loud, it relieves just a bit of stress. Also, I really don't think that what you are saying is a rich-kid stereotype. Sure, some rich kids are spoiled, but that doesn't in all cases make them complainers. I'm sure you've made a "I'm tired" or "I have lots of homework" complaint time to time. I think that its just easier sometimes to let some people know how you feel. If you hear a complaint like that, you don't really have to care, but theres no reason it should bother you, unless they start repeating it or something. I dunno, just my 2 cents.
Posted by Andrew at October 26, 2004 12:10 AM"oh no my parents didnt buy me a $100000 car they are terrible people, you know, even though they give me more stuff than i could ever need and raised me and fed me and spoiled me, and guess what? i never have done any chores or anything! and boy, life sucks! iu think ill go do drugs and get drunk and be depressed even though im living a better life than 99% of america!!!"
theres whitman for you
Posted by louie a at October 26, 2004 06:43 PM